Marine Diesel Services in South Florida and Gulf Coast for Yachts

Boating in Cold Weather

If you are in Fort Lauderdale or Punta Gorda, like our Marine Diesel Specialists team, you are used to warm weather. Sunny skies and warm breezes frequently abound. Every once in a while, a cool front will come through, and your once warm paradise might be more on the chilly side. What if you were expecting great weather for boating, but now you find you’ll be boating in cold water? 

You’ll want to prepare for cold weather when the water gets below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, so Marine Diesel Specialists have some tips for boating in cold weather.

What to Wear on a Boat in 60-Degree Weather

What to wear is the first thing you’ll want to address if you are boating in cold weather. Specifically, you’ll need to be prepared with what to wear on a boat in 60-degree weather – or even cooler temperatures.

How Much Colder Is It on a Boat?

When preparing to go out on the water, you might be wondering how much colder is it on a boat? The answer is about 10 degrees cooler. That’s right. The temperature on a boat can easily be 10 degrees cooler than at your house. Generally speaking, weather at sea is colder than weather on land. This means that even if it’s a balmy 70 degrees where you live, then when you get on your boat, it could easily be only 60 degrees – or even colder than that.

On your sea day, don’t be fooled by walking outside your house and thinking that if you dress appropriately for it, you’ll be set for your day on the water. Make sure to layer up and be prepared for the cold. The more layers you wear, the easier it will be to shed those unused layers. It’s better to have the extra protection and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Marine Diesel Engines Experts in the Warm and the Cold

Whether the weather is warm or cool, you’ll want to prepare your vessel to be out on the water. Keep your boat in premium condition with the assistance of Marine Diesel Specialists. Read some of our other articles to learn more from our team of professionals, or contact our team today.

At Marine Diesel Specialists, we specialize in MAN engine maintenance. With locations in Fort Lauderdale and Punta Gorda, we know we can make your vessel ship-shape no matter the weather.