Marine Diesel Services in South Florida and Gulf Coast for Yachts

Boating Terms to Know

When you’re looking to become a master boater, then you cannot overlook the study of properly getting acquainted with terms for boating that are commonly used in the community. To learn boating terms and become a true master of the seas, Marine Diesel Specialists, certified MAN engine dealers, and providers of top-tier parts and repairs, have created this quick overview of essential words and phrases to know from the boating terminology dictionary! 

Calling Out Directions on a Boat

Some of the first and perhaps most important boating terms to know are related to directions. The boat direction terms you should know have to do with the equivalent phrases used for right, left, wind direction, forward, and behind. These are the equivalent terms for directions of a boat’s journey:

Some of these terms for boating are very present in the popular lexicon – ahead, for example – and have become a commonplace thing to hear in day-to-day life. Other words, such as windward, are not as well known and are likely completely alien to those not involved in the boater community. There are, of course, more terms to know which are not related to boat direction phrases, such as the ones associated with the parts and placement of the actual vessel. 

Boat Terminology While Aboard

There are many other boat terms that are used in relation to the vessel itself. These will be used while out on the water to describe the various locations on the boat in order to shout out where passengers should or should not be. The following are the boating terms to know in this category:

Once you’ve mastered these boating terms, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an expert boater! It is also very important to ensure that your vessel is well looked after and has the proper professional service and repair team available to make sure your ship stays in top shape.

Certified Marine Diesel Engines Dealers and Marine Parts 

If you are in need of OEM engine parts, MAN engines, services for boat engines, or repairs, then be sure to get in contact with Marine Diesel Specialists! Our Fort Lauderdale team will go the extra mile every step of the way to ensure that your expeditions are always met. Take a look at some of our other articles to learn more about the industry and community from the boating experts.


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