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Chartering a Boat in Fort Lauderdale

Chartering a Boat in Fort Lauderdale

Chartering a boat in Fort Lauderdale is an incredibly fun and entertaining experience. However, you don’t want to get stuck chartering from a sham charter service, take out a boat that is substandard, or end up with one that was not what was advertised. While challenging, picking the right charter service is not the overwhelming endeavor it might first appear to be. The selection of companies and crews that charter boats and yachts in Fort Lauderdale are quite extensive. That is why the experts at Marine Diesel Specialists have put together this list of high-quality services you can charter boats in Fort Lauderdale from. 


A Guide to Hunting and Fishing Boats

A Guide to Hunting and Fishing Boats

Hunting and fishing boats are instruments to some of the best times anyone can have while out on the water, if you are interested in either fishing or hunting, then a boat that is specially made to accommodate your wants would be a perfect fit. But what are some of the first things you will need to understand about fishing and hunting boats before you decide to purchase one? Marine Diesel Specialists, South Florida-based experts in all things related to marine engines, have created a quick guide to these types of boats in hopes that it provides the baseline knowledge necessary for anyone looking to join these boating communities.


Is Below Deck Real?

Is Below Deck Real?

Below Deck has become one of, if not the, most popular television show that is centered on the nautical world. The series follows a Yacht crew around the world and presents viewers with a look into life aboard luxury yachts as a crew member as opposed to a passenger. But is ‘Below Deck’ scripted? Marine Diesel Specialists, certified MAN engine experts with experience in all things boating, have decided to thoroughly investigate the show and present their findings here! So, is ‘Below Deck’ real or scripted?


New Russian ‘La Datcha’ Yacht Launched & Available for Charter

New Russian ‘La Datcha’ Yacht Launched & Available for Charter

First announced in 2015, the highly anticipated SeaXplorer expedition yacht La Datcha was finally unveiled in the beginning of July. The stunning superyacht won’t be delivered to her Russian billionaire yacht owner, banking mogul Oleg Tinkov, until the end of the summer. However, Damen Yachting officially launched the luxury vessel and will be displaying the La Datcha yacht in its private viewing event in the Netherlands, scheduled for September.


European Countries Open for Tourism and Reopening Dates

European Countries Open for Tourism and Reopening Dates

Europe was hit hard by the coronavirus, with Italy being the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic at one point. Hundreds of thousands of cases and thousands of deaths. After the tireless work of healthcare workers, government officials, and citizens following social distancing guidelines, many of these countries are ready to reopen to international tourists.


When Will Caribbean Islands Open for Travel? Important Dates to Know

When Will Caribbean Islands Open for Travel? Important Dates to Know

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, islands across the Caribbean restricted travel and closed their borders to tourism. It wasn’t just the cruise ships either, private vessels were also prevented from entering ports. This swift action helped keep the number of cases in these island nations low.


Social Distancing When Boating During COVID-19

Social Distancing When Boating During COVID-19

With many Americans stuck at home during quarantine, many are craving for safe ways to escape the confines of their houses. For those lucky enough to own a boat, that vessel can represent a sort of freedom. Nothing cures cabin fever better than going out on the water in your boat!


What Is Right for You and Your Boat: A Boat Slip vs. Boat Dock?

What Is Right for You and Your Boat: A Boat Slip vs. Boat Dock?

For those new to boating, the terms “boat slip” and “boat dock” might appear interchangeable. However, despite both serving as points where boats tether to land, they possess distinct characteristics. When docking your yacht at a marina, you’re presented with the option of either a boat slip or a boat dock. Determining which suits your vessel and docking requirements best is essential. Therefore, familiarizing yourself with the disparities between a boat slip and a dock is crucial before making your decision. Our Marine Diesel Specialists want to help make your boating experience the best it can be, and that means knowing what you are getting into before you get to a marina.


Are Sustainable Yachts The Next Big Thing?

Are Sustainable Yachts The Next Big Thing?

With environmental activist Greta Thunberg sailing across the Atlantic Ocean to raise awareness1 and bushfires in Australia endangering the koala population,2 global warming continues to be a hot button topic. With climate change looming large in the public consciousness, all industries are increasingly embracing sustainability and alternative power sources including the yachting industry.


The State of The Chinese Super Yacht Market

The State of The Chinese Super Yacht Market

China seems to be the land for emerging markets. With more than a billion citizens, a growing middle class, and a rapidly forming elite class of super-rich billionaires, all kinds of international companies are working hard to make strides in the country. The world’s top yachting and superyacht industry players are some of the companies trying to crack into the Chinese market. Many predicted China would soon become a leading superyacht market.1


Day Yachting Trips from Punta Gorda

Day Yachting Trips from Punta Gorda

Day trips are one of the best parts of yacht ownership. Nothing compares to hitting the water and exploring your own backyard of Punta Gorda by yacht or boat. There are destinations only accessible by water, and others that are best visited by boat. Skip the traffic and explore these popular day trips from Punta Gorda that are best enjoyed by yacht.


Calculating Yacht Fuel Cost

Calculating Yacht Fuel Cost

There are many costs associated with yacht ownership, and fuel is one of the biggest concerns for yacht owners and those who charter yachts as a source of business revenue. There are many different systems within your yacht that will require diesel fuel, and new versus used marine engines will bring different fuel efficiencies that are worth considering when trying to calculate your fuel costs. Everything from how many gallons are in a yacht’s tank to the specific mileage could come down to the quality of your engine and the size of your boat. This means that, without expert help, it could be hard to calculate. That’s why the team at Marine Diesel Specialists has created this quick overview that will explain yacht fuel capacity and yacht fuel cost through nautical miles, as well as how you can calculate these costs on your own.
