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2020 New Year’s Resolutions for Boat Owners

2020 New Year’s Resolutions for Boat Owners

The end of the decade is coming up fast! 2019 has been a year of ups and downs and 2020 promises to be just as eventful. If you are a boat owner, now’s as good a time as any to start drafting up your New Year’s resolutions list.


Boat Fuel Filter Replacement Guide

Boat Fuel Filter Replacement Guide

Your boat’s fuel filter serves a crucial role in preventing water and contaminants from infiltrating the fuel system. Regular replacement is essential to ensure the continued effectiveness of your marine diesel engine and fuel system. The question of how often to change fuel filter systems for optimal performance arises frequently. That’s exactly what our team of professionals is here to answer!

At Marine Diesel Specialists, our dedicated marine diesel mechanics in Fort Lauderdale and expertly trained marine mechanics in Punta Gorda specialize in routine maintenance for the fuel systems of various boats and yachts. As part of the comprehensive marine diesel engine maintenance schedules we tailor for our loyal customers, we prioritize timely boat fuel filter replacement. Trust us to keep your vessel running smoothly and efficiently, safeguarding the integrity of your marine diesel engine.


New John Deere Marine Engine Ratings Hope to Meet Global Emissions Regulations

New John Deere Marine Engine Ratings Hope to Meet Global Emissions Regulations

In an effort to help customers all over the world sustain new market needs as well as meet global emissions regulations for marine engines, John Deere Power Systems has introduced new marine diesel engine ratings. As the brand continues its expansion in specific global markets, the company wants to ensure John Deere marine diesel engines continue to accommodate customers’ demands and market regulations even as these things change in the coming years.


Tips for Naming Your Yacht or Boat

Tips for Naming Your Yacht or Boat

Serenity. Freedom. Carpe Diem. No, these aren’t cologne names, they’re popular yacht names. Whether your yacht embodies luxury or you’re naming your fishing boat, there are certain rules to follow when it comes to yacht and boat naming. As leading marine diesel engine dealers, we’ve seen yachts and boats with all types of names. But what’s the ruling on the best practices for these names? We share our tips on picking the best names for a yacht or boat.


Preparing for Yacht Winter Season

Preparing for Yacht Winter Season

While many yacht owners up north are looking into winterizing their yachts for the colder months of the year, there are still owners who are ready to hit the water. At Marine Diesel Specialists, we know how exciting the yacht winter season can be. With a little planning, yachting in the winter can still include sunny skies and warm waters. We’re sharing our favorite tips for yachting in the winter, including wintertime yacht maintenance tips and where to yacht in the winter. 


Tips for Transporting a Yacht by Road

Tips for Transporting a Yacht by Road

Though it’d be nice to always sail your yacht to its destinations, sometimes shipping a yacht is the only way to move it quickly and efficiently.


Diesel Air System Maintenance Tips

Diesel Air System Maintenance Tips

Marine diesel engines are far more efficient than their gasoline counterparts, and the diesel air system within the engine is credited with a large portion of the engine’s performance. Diesel air systems are so complex on large marine vessels that there are specific starting procedures that must be followed to ensure safe system operation.


Us South Floridians are all too aware of the unpredictability that comes with hurricane season. There’s the ever-changing forecast cones, long lines for gasoline, and empty Publix shelves that used to hold bottled water. The last thing any boater wants to deal with in the middle of pre-hurricane pandemonium is creating a boat hurricane plan.


Signs Your Generator Needs Maintenance

Signs Your Generator Needs Maintenance

Generators are responsible for creating electrical power within your yacht, acting almost as a second engine that focuses on powering your appliances and other electrical features. They work by transforming fuel, typically diesel fuel, into electricity. This is similar to traditional generators you may use on land, but marine generators need extra maintenance and upkeep to ensure their proper functionality. Here are some signs that your generator is not working at its best, along with tips for marine generator maintenance.


Choosing Between in Water or Out of Water Storage

Choosing Between in Water or Out of Water Storage

When it’s time to store your boat, you’ll be choosing between indoor vs outdoor boat storage. Both storage options have their benefits and some drawbacks, so it’s important to consider both options before anchoring your decision. Our diesel specialists weigh the different options for your boat storage methods.
